• You can select to pay us through T./T transfer, Paypal, if you have alibaba account, we also can accept to be paid directly through alibaba.

  • Yes, now our latest certification is IATF 16949: 2016 (test item includes all of ISO9001 items and pass some strict test items for car components) , SGS testing report under REACH, ROHS requirements. Yes, we have full sets of quality control system, from raw material incoming inspection till delivery, there would be with records in system. ...

  • Normally we would use DHL, FedEx, and UPS to ship goods. If customers have your forwarder, pls kindly advise the contact person's name, telephone number, address, and postal code. If no courier, pls kindly advise your receiver name, telephone number, address, and postal code. We can help to check shipment costs for your review. If express is hi...

  • Our procedure for customizing NFC tags is: 1) receiving customer’s request to evaluate the best solution to customers; 2) checking customer’s request with engineers, 3) providing similar solution in picture or video to customers for reviewing and confirm, 4) offer quotations after getting confirm from customers, 5) offer pre-production samples ...

  • For all RFID and NFC tags, the size is larger, its read distance would be longer. And when length=width, its read distance would be best among lengthwidth and length The factors influencing reading distance: are reader antenna size, read amplifier power, both of reader and tags’ frequency, NFC tag’s antenna size and using environment (like usi...